Sunday, September 14, 2014

Best 15 Months Ever

I honestly cant believe how fast time is going... i know i say this everything I finish another month in my mission but it is honestly blowing my mind.

So this week has gone well! Last Sunday was stake conference. The talks went well and our mission president was invited to speak there. He spoke about the vision that we all should have as members and as missionaries.
Many people think that baptism is the final step to take, but it is the first. When we imagine our investigators, friends, or neighbors who are investigating the church, we should imagine them all dressed in white. Now, we all want to help our peers make covenants with God as they are baptized, but it is even more important that they continue in Christ´s path afterwards. We should imagine them dressed in white, ready to make covenants with the Lord in the temple. Family sealings should be our vision, because that is the Lord´s vision.
I know some of my most precious and special experiences in the mission are not when we help someone be baptized, but it is afterwards when they receive the priesthood, bless the sacrament, receive a calling, go to mutual with the youth, etc.

We must see through the Lord´s eyes.

Well during the my personal studies this last week I learned a lot, and it has helped us be able to communicate the importance of members getting involved in mission work. In Alma 60, Moroni writes Pahoran who is in Zarahemla, and complains to him about his laziness.

 21 Or do ye suppose that the Lord will still deliver us, while we situpon our thrones and do not make use of the means which the Lord has provided for us?

We can apply this to members and missionary work. The Lord has given us so much, we can not be comfortable in our seats, and expect to receive blessings. The Lord has provided many means to us (book of mormon, temples, etc), we must act because faith without works is dead.

All is going well here in the office! We will find out the changes at noon, so I will send you guys a quick message letting you know if I am going to leave the office on Tuesday! Love you all so much and thank you for your prayers.!

Oh also, yesterday I got on and I was shocked to see that we havent done hardly any work with our ancestors from grandmas Jean Rabidous family nor grandpa Gerald Rutherford´s..... i expect this to change before I get home. :)

love, elder nathan russell walton

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